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Grupo de la Tienda

Público·116 miembros

Gangsters, Guns Zombies

To celebrate Gangsters, Guns and Zombies which is out on the 7th of January and is reviewed right here we have a specially made 6 part Prequel Comic.The film follows a getaway driver for a group of hardcore gangsters, who finds himself up against a slightly more unexpected enemy than the boys in blue when his latest job coincides with the start of a zombie apocalypse.

Gangsters, Guns Zombies

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This country is producing a crop of sleeper sociopaths, social idiots with no natural discernment who get triggered by the media through the hypnotic commercial verborrea that gets shot at them 40 times a second via the Boob Tube, be it by interminable corporate drones, political hacks or Elmer Gantry types who have no business talking about divinity. Worthless, soulless zombies feeding drivel to each other until one of them explodes, every once in a while, with tragic effect. The blind, deaf and dumb leading their peers.

But is loose gun control really an excuse? The guns that he used are not exactly new. AR15s have been available since 1964, the shotgun since 1950 and similar handguns have been available since before WW2. In fact, civilians used to be able to mail order a Tommy gun with no permits or background check. So why are all of these mass killings happening now?

Your argument is moot. David Koresh's cult were armed to the teeth. And if we go back in criminal history, I'm sure we can find alot of statistics that put the AR-15, shot-guns, and similar handguns used by "responsible gun owners" in crimes. And gangsters like Al Capone used Tommy Guns in alot of their shoot-outs like the Valentine's Day Massacre. 041b061a72

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